Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I lose Stuff

I found  pic this in an email.... if you made it. let me know so I can credit it you for the illustration. oddly enough. I lost the original email. oh well.

I supposed to be doing about 100 other things right now, like calling the vet, organizing my calendar, saving lives. You know. The usual lunchtime repertoire.
But I have ADD. So all of the above… out the window. Why be productive when you can blog instead?? Right?? Yes!!!
So keeping in my mind, my ever present procrastinatory tendencies I figured I’d alert you all to a little game I like to play.. and a very large portion of my life known as:
“I can’t find my____________.”
What’s cool about this game is that I get to play it almost EVERY DAY!
I rarely play it at work, I’m not sure why that is, but the moment I leave my office and the scrubs and/or suit comes off… the “I can’t find my*blank*”starts almost immediately.
Now, I am not talking about the usual “I can’t find my keys” sort of thing.
It’s more like:
“Mike?? I lost my sneakers after my run last week and haven’t seen them since. Do you know where they are?”

His response : “how do you lose sneakers??? I mean, SNEAKERS??  You misplaced your sneakers??? When did I see them last? On your feet! Ok, Ok, I’ll help you look. Are they under the bed? No. ok. How about Jr.’s room? No. hmm, lets see, the shoe thing in the hallway? Did you actually look on your shoe rack? No I don’t think your retarded, but seeing as your actually LOST your sneakers, you forgetting to look on your shoe rack is highly likely. Fine, be without sneakers then.

10 days later the sneakers are found. By me. On my shoe rack. Where I looked about 9 times.

For the last 30 days, I have been late to many functions in the effort to find my sunglasses. The sport ,cycling, über-cool, expensive awesome ones that I’ve had to replace twice all ready due to someone um “stealing them”. Or so I’d like to think.
Twice I looked in the sunglass case in my car. Twice they weren’t there. On the third desperate attempt to find them, there they were.

Could I really be that blind? OR is it conspiracy.
Until I find a cure for this awful disease of losing things that are directly in front of my face, I will convinced, that the cats and Mike are conspiring against me.

Countless productive non work hours are spent playing the “I can’t find my ____”game.and I am pretty sure I am resigned to playing  this game for the rest of my life or at least until the cats find another,  more entertaining method of chipping away at my sanity or I learn to tolerate Adderall. Either Or.

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Alien in New Haven by Aliènne AJ Morrione is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.